Why I love app.net

What’s app.net?

It is the most popular newbie question asked, “what is app.net”? My first impression is “it is a twitter clone, but then what is alpha?” I carried the confusion and move on. Then some other confusion come, like why a twitter clone have an APP directory, and its official ios APP app.net passport is purely not like twitter, you can NOT even do a post in there.

Now I know what is app.net. It is not a twitter clone, it is a set of back end services. The service provides several apis, alpha is one web application (a pure html with javascript) which acts like a twitter. And people are free to build any kind of apps on top of it, a private chat room, a game which utilize app.net as the places to store save files, a media app which can store and load media from app.net etc.

Why app.net?

I am sold when I heard “clients are our customer, not product.” ADN aka app.net is not living on ad, which means they are not focus on analysis us to provide better ad targets, instead, they focus on make us happier.

  • It is not free, which means the user base won’t be as big as facebook or twitter. Which also means the user quality is better.
  • With no ads, which means it has a clean layout.
  • Less advertise account or junky messages.

What I can do with app.net?

As a customer, you can write 256 character posts besides anything twitter can do. Try some fresh ideas build on top of ADN.

  • Patter, you can build private or public chat room.
  • Vidcast, people view and chat on youtube video together, etc.

As a developer, I will start to create app on it, by utilize its message api and awesome annotation api. I got one cool idea, and hopefully you can see it in next one or two months :P

Follow me

  • adn.net @shuoli
  • twitter @shuoli84
  • github @shuoli84

Published: August 27 2013

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